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How To Access Your Folders From Your Taskbar
This is an easy way to get to the folders on your system without having to open a Windows Explorer Window every time you want to access files. I find it very useful to have this feature as it allows me to access my Folders and Drives immediately and saves me a lot of time.
This works in Windows XP:
1. Right Click an empty spot on your Taskbar (Between your Start Button and your System Tray).
2. Click Toolbars.
3. Click New Toolbar.
4. A Small Window will Open that allows you to pick the folder you wish to make a Toolbar. If you want to access your Desktop Without having to minimize all your windows. Just Pick Desktop. If you want to access ONLY your My Documents Folder, Select that. Any folder will work for this.
5. Click OK.
The New Tool bar will appear at the bottom of your screen next to your System Tray.
If you find this to be not useful, Repeat Steps 1 and 2 and then check click the Toolbar you created that has a check mark next to it. And it will disappear.
How To Add A Url Address Bar To The Taskbar
You can add an Internet URL address bar to your Windows XP taskbar. Doing so will let you type in URLs and launch Web pages without first launching a browser. It will also let you launch some native Windows XP applications in much the same way as you would via the Run menu (so you could type in calc to launch the calculator or mspaint to launch Microsoft Paint. Here's how you add the address bar:
1. Right-click on the taskbar, select Toolbars, and then click Address.
2. The word Address will appear on your taskbar.
3. Double click it to access it.
4. If that doesn't work, your taskbar is locked. You can unlock it by right-clicking on the taskbar again and uncheck Lock the Taskbar.
NOTE: You may also need to grab the vertical dotted lines beside the word Address and drag it to the left to make the Address window appear.
How to Add an Option to Print the Contents of a Folder
Would you like to be able to right click any folder in Explorer and print its contents? You can add this option to the context menu by following these steps:
First, you need to create a batch file called Printdir.bat. Open Notepad or another text editor and type (or cut and paste) this text:
@echo off
dir %1 /-p /o:gn > "%temp%\Listing"
start /w notepad /p "%temp%\Listing"
del "%temp%\Listing"
Now, in the Save As dialog box, type "%windir%\Printdir.bat" (without the quotation marks) and click the Save button.
Click Start, Control Panel, Folder Options.
Click the File Types tab, and then click File Folder.
Click the Advanced button.
Click the New button.
In the Action box, type "Print Directory Listing" (without the quotation marks).
In the Application used to perform action box, type "Printdir.bat" (without the quotation marks).
Click OK in all three dialog boxes to close the dialog boxes.
You're not quite finished yet! Now you need to edit the Registry, so open your favorite Registry Editor.
Navigate to HKEY CLASSES ROOT\Directory\shell.
Right click on "default" and select Modify.
In the File Data box, type "none" (without the quotation marks).
Click OK and close the Registry Editor.
Now when you right click a folder, you'll see the option to Print Directory Listing. Selecting it will print the contents of the folder.
Who needs a stinking program to print a folder directory?
How To Add Your Own Windows Tips
re you sick of seeing the same tips again and again when you first logon to Windows? Now you can change them to whatever you want, whether it's quotes, jokes or a to-do list, anything is possible.
Open your registry and find the key below.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer\ Tips
Create a new string valued named by incrementing the existing value names and set it to the required tip text.
How to Back Up the Registry
Before you edit the registry, export the keys in the registry that you plan to edit, or back up the whole registry. If a problem occurs, you can then follow the steps how-to restore the registry to its previous state.
How to Export Registry Keys
Click Start, and then click Run.
In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
On the File menu, click Export.
In the Save in box, select the boxs at the bottom the bottom according to weather you want to export all or only selected branches of the registry.
Next select a location in which to save the backup .reg file. In the File name box, type a file name, and then click Save.
How to Restore the Registry
To restore registry keys that you exported, double-click the .reg file that you saved.
How To Backup Ps2 Games
Okay, these are some methods to backup PS2 titles and Xbox titles, in order to play a backup you need a modchip of some sort, I have also included a tutorial on boot methods. Follow any one of these instructions to fit your needs. You can tell what format the PS2 title is by looking at the written side of the disc, DVD's are Silver and CD's are Purple. The DVD backup methods here consist of reading the image to the hard drive then burning it to the media for an easier backup, this depends on your hardware and it?s setup. I say that because the proper setup would be to have the Reader and Writer on separate IDE cables. This allows no cross information when doing Disc to Disc/On the fly copying. But, since most people would not know how to check or fix this, I suggest reading the image to your Hard Drive and then burning from there. *A little useful trick*, If the DVD backup "image" is small enough in size you can fit it onto a CD-R (80 minute or larger if need be) instead of using a more expensive DVD-R. I have done this succesfully using Prassi and the first tutorial for it below. In addition a DVD Movie backup will play on a PS2/Xbox without a chip. As I get more info I will update. Dexter
PS1/PS2 CD backup tutorials
Using CloneCD (v4.x.xx) for PS1/PS2
1. Start CloneCD
2. Select "Copy CD"
3. Select your Reader, press Next
4. Select "Game CD", press Next
5. Select/Deselect your options here (on the fly, cue or delete) then press Next
6. Select your Writer, press Next
7. Select your burn speed and "Game CD"
8. Press "OK" to begin
Using Alcohol 120% for PS1/PS2
1. Start Alcohol 120%
2. Select ?Copy Wizard?
3. Select your Reader & Read Speed
4. Select or Deselect ?Copy current disc on the fly?
5. For Datatype select which console PS1 or PS2, press Next
6. Select your Image location and Name for it, press Next
7. Select you Writer, Write Speed and anything else you feel you might need
8. Make sure the Datatype selected is the same you chose above
9. Press Start to begin
PS2 DVD backup tutorials
Using Prassi
1. Start Primo
2. Select "go to full application"
3. Right Click the drive that has your original in it
4. Select "build global image" and choose a path for the image (preferably on an NTFS opsys)
5. After the image is extracted go to next step
6. Choose the 3rd disc icon from the left *or* click file, new job, Global/Other Image
7. Then just burn the .gi (global image) of the game
This next way has one less step which saves some time because once you press record it does everything by itself (if you have a DVD reader and DVD Writer)
1. Start Primo
2. Use the "PrimoDVD Starter" (it's easier, and less confusing)
3. Choose "disc copy"
4. Select your Reader and Also your Writer
5. Select "make a temp image on HD..."
6. Select your burn speed and then record to begin
Using Nero
1. Start Nero, Use the Wizard (for easy use)
2. Select "DVD" then select Next
3. Select "Copy a DVD" then select Next
4. Select your source drive
5. Check OFF "copy on the fly" then select next
6. Select your write speed
7. Select either "Test", "Test and Burn" or "Burn"
8. Press "Burn" to begin
This next way is without the Wizard
1. Start Nero, and select "File" then "New..."
2. On upper left side of the window from the drop down menu select "DVD"
3. Select "DVD Copy" Icon
4. Select "Copy options" tab
5. Check OFF "copy on the fly"
6. Select source drive and read speed
7. If needed Select "Image" tab to choose image directory and select/deselect "delete image..."
8. Select "Burn" tab and choose your settings
9. Press "Copy" to begin
Using Alcohol 120%
1. Start Alcohol 120%
2. Select ?Copy Wizard?
3. Select your Reader
4. For ?Separate Image file every:? choose ?Never Separate?
5. Select or Deselect ?Copy current disc on the fly?, press Next
6. Select your Image location and Name for it, press Next
7. Select you Writer, Write Speed and anything else you feel you might need
8. Select or Deselect ?Delete image file after recording?
9. Press Start to begin
XBOX backup tutorials
Xbox original games are burned from the outside in. The only way to backup a title is to have a modchip like X-exuter (best), Enigma, or Xodus/Matrix. You also have to flash the bios and have a CD program inserted or installed into the X-Box named EVO-X (this allows you to assign the X-Box an IP address). The game has to be stored on the X-Box's HD, this allows you to file transfer the title to your PC using an ftp program like FlaxhFXP (best) or similar. From there you use a burning application to make the backup. Some applications allows you to "drag & drop" right from the Xbox or you can build an ISO of the image then burn to CD-R/W or DVD-R/W backup. (I will update this to show steps as soon as I have a minute)
Modded PS2 with or without Action Replay/GameShark CD & DVD backup booting methods
PS2 with NeoKey/Sbox & AR/GS, PS1 CD backup booting
1. Turn on PS2 and NeoKey/Sbox
2. Press Eject
3. Insert PS1 CD backup
4. Press reset
5. PS2 tray will close
6. PS1 CD backup will now boot
PS2 with NeoKey/Sbox & AR/GS, PS2 CD backup booting
1. Have AR/GS dongle in a memory card slot
2. Power on your PS2
3. Insert AR/GS disc
4. At the AR/GS menu, select Start Game, With/Without codes
5. Eject and swap to your PS2 CD backup and press X.
6. Screen will change and game will now boot
* Note - Neokey will not play DVD-R!
* Note - Old versions of AR2/GS2 you might need to press R1+O instead of X to boot games
PS2 with Neo 2.2, PS1 CD backup booting
1. Turn on PS2
2. Press Eject
3. Insert PS1 CD backup
4. Press reset
5. PS2 tray will close
6. PS1 CD backup will now boot
PS2 with Neo 2.2 & AR/GS, PS2 CD backup booting
1. Have AR/GS dongle in a memory card slot
2. Power on your PS2
3. Insert AR/GS disc
4. At the AR/GS menu, select Start Game, With/Without codes
5. Eject and swap to your PS2 CD backup and press X.
6. Screen will change and game will now boot
PS2 with Neo 2.2 & AR/GS, PS2 DVD backup booting
1. Have AR/GS dongle in a memory card slot
2. Power on your PS2
3. Insert AR/GS disc, close tray
4. Power off your PS2, wait a few seconds
5. Press and Hold Reset button to load AR/GS
6. At the AR2/GS2 menu, press EJECT while still holding Reset
7. Swap AR/GS disc for an Original-TOC-DVD* and wait 10 seconds
8. Select "AR/GS Codes"
9. Highlight "Add new code" and press X to get to the next screen
10. Press X three times. You will see "Updating code list please wait" each time)
11. Press "Start" on controller
12. Select "Without codes", press X
13. Then Press X again, and immediately release the Reset button, you will see "Updating code list please wait"
14. The PS2 tray will eject allowing you to swap Original-TOC-DVD* for DVD backup and then close on it?s own
15. Screen will change and game will now boot
* Note - "Original-TOC-DVD" is an original DVD that is a larger file size than the backup
* Note ? For a shortcut make a few ?Add new codes? and after step 8 just highlight one of them and press square to delete it, then proceed on with step 11
PS2 with Messiah
1. PSX Backups will boot directly.
2. PS2 CD-R Backups will boot directly.
3. PS2 Unpatched EA backups will boot directly.
4. PS2 DVD-R Backups will boot directly.
PS2 with Magic 2, 3 or 3.5
1. PSX Backups will boot directly.
2. PS2 CD-R Backups will boot directly.
3. PS2 Unpatched EA backups will boot directly.
4. PS2 DVD-R Backups will boot directly.
Ps2 with Apple Mod
1. PSX Backups will boot directly.
2. PS2 CD-R Backups will boot directly.
3. PS2 Unpatched EA backups will boot directly.
4. PS2 DVD-R Backups will boot directly.[CODE]
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